Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Right Wing Sissies

The Right Wing bloggers are bravely kicking ass on a 12 year old. Not surprising that a bunch of chickenshit loudmouths would gang up on a 12 year old and his family BEFORE they had all the facts. What else would you expect from a bunch of half-bright mouthbreathers. They have too much time on their hands. Its enough to make you want to go burn down their trailer (with them in it.)

UPDATE: Was Bitch McConnell's staff involved?

"This is a perverse distraction from the issue at hand," said Jim Manley, a spokesman for Reid, D-Nev. "Instead of debating the merits of providing health care to children, some in GOP leadership and their right-wing friends would rather attack a 12-year-old boy and his sister who were in a horrific car accident."

Manley cited an e-mail sent to reporters by a Senate Republican leadership aide, summing up recent blog traffic about the boy's family. A spokesman for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., declined to comment on Manley's charge that GOP aides were complicit in spreading disparaging information about Frosts.

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