Thursday, August 7, 2008

I Am Very Disappointed That I'm Not Cool (or Big) Enough to be Spammed!

Via Ezra:

The Washington Post reports
that the McCain campaign is offering
its supporters "points" -- redeemable for awesome McCain-themed prizes! -- if
they go and spread the campaign's message on message boards, blog comment
sections, web sites, and anywhere else that free expression is tolerated.

Oy! I better prepare myself for an influx of trolls. Except ...

... if you'd like to become part of the McCain action team, go here
for some suggested blogs to spam and today's talking points. Did you know, for
instance, that "John McCain has a comprehensive economic plan that will create
millions of good American jobs, ensure our nation's energy security, get the
government's budget and spending practices in order, and bring relief to
American consumers?" And be careful! "The web, blog and news sites listed here
are a sample of political sites that you may post comments on.

I'm not one of the kewl kidz on the list of wacked out librulz. Sigh ...

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